

Читать книгу: «Spanish for English-speaking children. Magic Numbers from 1 to 1 000 000»


Illustrator Tatiana Oliva Morales

Cover designer Tatiana Oliva Morales

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, 2019

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, illustrations, 2019

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, cover design, 2019

ISBN 978-5-0050-1948-6

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


It is allowed only with the written permission of the author to copy the presentation method of this manual in order to teach or write a textbook manuscript, namely: to put foreign / Russian words in brackets or on the corresponding Russian / foreign equivalents, marking the sentence with special symbols as it is shown in this book; reprint, reproduce by electronic means or in any other way the entire book or any part of it.


This tutorial is intended for preschoolers and school children, it consists of two parts. The first part of the book is a story about the mysterious castle of Magic Numbers, on reading it the children will be able to understand the rules of word formation in relation to the cardinal numbers in English.

In the second part there are 7 exercises to translate from Russian into English on the subject of the tutorial, whose purpose is to teach to count from 0 to 1 000 000 and more. The most commonly used ordinal numbers are given at the end of the book.

All exercises are adapted according to the © Linguistic Reanimator method. There are keys for 2 exercises. The book has many thematic illustrations.

From the author

This tutorial is designed for self-learning with children. But you may contact me at any time if additional advice or classes are needed. Consultations / classes are possible in person and on Skype.

My contact information

Skype: oliva-morales


Tatiana Oliva Morales

About the series of manuals © Linguistic Reanimator

The tutorial series © Linguistic Reanimator can be recommended to schoolchildren, students, as well as to a wide variety of people studying English at school, university, courses, with a tutor or independently.

All exercises and tests for translation from English into Spanish are adapted through the use of foreign words (clues) on the technique of © Linguistic Reanimator. All exercises and tests have the keys. In these manuals, I tried to discover the main difficulties encountered in the English language, the difficulties for which students of this language make the most common mistakes.

The tutorials contain detailed and accessible explanations on each of the topics with and a large number of exercises adapted to translate from English into Spanish to reinforce the acquired knowledge.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
01 августа 2019
23 стр. 24 иллюстрации
Издательские решения
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