

#407: Sam Zell — Strategies for High-Stakes Investing, Dealmaking, and Grave Dancing

Длительность выпуска 2 ч. 03 мин.

2020 год


#407: Sam Zell — Strategies for High-Stakes Investing, Dealmaking, and Grave Dancing

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Sam Zell – Strategies for High-Stakes Investing, Dealmaking, and Grave Dancing | Brought to you by FreshBooks and Brave“If I can't run it, then I don't want to own it.” – Sam ZellWelcome to another episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, where it is my job to sit down with world-class performers of all different types to tease out the habits, routines, favorite books, and so on that you can apply and test in your own life. This time, we have a slightly different episode. I will not be the one doing the deconstructing. Instead, we have a takeover by my very good friend, Peter Attia.As longtime listeners of the podcast know, Dr. Peter Attia (@PeterAttiaMD) is a former ultra-endurance athlete, a compulsive self-experimenter, and one of the most fascinating human beings I know. He is also one of my go-to doctors for anything related to performance or longevity. Peter also hosts The Drive, a weekly, ultra-deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing health, longevity, critical thinking, and a few other things. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.In this episode, we have Peter interviewing Sam Zell, a legendary dealmaker and investor. Sam is the Chairman of Equity Group Investments, and he was recognized by Forbes as one of the «100 Greatest Living Business Minds» in 2017. He holds a place on New York Stock Exchange's «Wall of Innovators» for his role in building the $1 trillion REIT industry. Sam is also the author of Am I Being Too Subtle?: Straight Talk From a Business Rebel. This is one not to miss. Please enjoy!This episode is also brought to you by FreshBooks. I’ve been talking about FreshBooks – an all-in-one invoicing+payments+accounting solution – for years now. Many entrepreneurs, as well as the contractors and freelancers that I work with, use it all the time.FreshBooks makes it super easy to track things like expenses, project time, and client info, and then merge it all into great-looking invoices. FreshBooks can save users up to 200 hours a year on accounting and bookkeeping tasks. Right now FreshBooks is offering my listeners a free 30-day trial, and no credit card is required. Go to and enter “Tim Ferriss” in the “How did you hear about us?” section!This episode of The Tim Ferriss Show is also brought to you by Brave, the next-generation Web browser. Brave was built by a team of privacy-focused, performance-oriented pioneers of the Web at the direction of Brendan Eich (co-founder of Mozilla Firefox and creator of JavaScript) and Brian Bondy. Brave now has more than 10 million monthly active users – including me.Brave gives you unmatched speed, security, and privacy. Whereas other browsers suck up your data – profiling and tracking you across the Web and using that information to manipulate your decisions – Brave operates up to six times faster by blocking ads and website trackers, preserving your anonymity and protecting you from this surveillance economy. Brave also includes options such as Private Window with Tor for those seeking advanced privacy and safety. Intuitive and easy to use, Brave allows you to import bookmarks from other browsers with one click, and all your favorite Chrome extensions are available with Brave. Listeners of The Tim Ferriss Show can easily upgrade their browser for free right now by going to***If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests.For show notes and past guests, please visit up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at transcripts of episodes, go to in sponsoring the podcast? Please fill out the form at Tim’s books: Tim:Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
19 марта 2021
Дата написания:
23 января 2020
2 ч. 03 мин. 19 сек.
Автор, Tim Ferris
Формат скачивания:
m4b, mp3