Non vowel resources of some good mood

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Lyrics: some go to trainings to become a leader and to develop leadership qualities – dismiss your boss from work with complaints revealing his possible immoral and illegal weaknesses, and then your wings will «grow», you will «fly» crowded with endorphins, you will have something like a «star» disease – and so you will become a leader?

Once again that in each situation there are both «cons» and «pros». Call any situation that has a minus sign, and there will be pluses, for example, you were fired from work – this is from the category of what can be classified as minus, but there is a plus in this, because the loss of the old is an acquisition new: where it departed, it arrived. In this regard, ideally, no one should accumulate negative emotions on anyone (referring to those who caused troubles in life (minuses)), since offenders can also bring «pluses» (there are no situations with radical cons when they beat someone half to death). But human nature dictates its own – negative emotions in relation to the offender accumulate in many people.

An example of analysis for the pros and cons of serfdom and its absence: according to historical data, after the abolition of serfdom among former serfs, general alcoholism began after they gained freedom. Pluses – while the serfs were serfs, their owners controlled their behavior, therefore, alcohol was not so accessible, and health due to alcohol did not deteriorate, the liver was not threatened with cirrhosis. Cons – harm to physical health due to the use of alcohol because of the freedom gained.

So at work, as long as there is work, there are bosses who do not give large quantities of alcohol to anyone who is interested in drinking, as soon as there is no work and bosses, what begins is called alcohol abuse, which is clearly not a healthy lifestyle. When there is so much work that you don’t like that there is no time to fulfill your needs, then it’s better to find a job in which the realization of your needs will become your work.

An example of an analysis of the pros and cons in legal and commercial senses in the presence of the criminal article «Speculation» (that is, reselling something) in the criminal code of the USSR, and after the collapse of the USSR in the absence of this article: pluses – while commerce was considered speculation, and for this it was possible to go to jail, those involved in illegal trade were very few, respectively, the profits from this type of activity were huge due to the lack of a large number of competitors. Cons – as soon as the article «Speculation» was canceled, and a lot of people started to trade, every entrepreneur’s profits from trading fell, and some were forced to quit commerce altogether.

Therefore, we recall once again that in each situation there are pros and cons.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: you do not need to commit crimes on an emotional basis, only within the framework of the law you need to «get out» to solve emotional conflicts.

According to the author’s personal statistics, it is precisely people from the so-called dysfunctional and single-parent families who commit crimes on an emotional basis – perhaps they simply don’t know and cannot correctly respond to the situation.

Psychologists have projects for the psychological recovery of the population, there is even one that says that emotions should not be restrained, but everyone is inclined to interpret this in their own way, judging by the news according to which crimes are committed around the world on an emotional basis – starting from bodily harm damage, ending with murders, but emotions can not be restrained in other ways, while not committing crimes and at the same time maintaining and restoring their psychological balance, because the main thing is to force the body continue to produce endorphins, when there was an obstacle to this, if not, then some pleasure hormones will be produced artificially by vodka or drugs? Living in harmony with nature in a psychological sense is to do what you want, because it was nature that created your basic needs in you? Some do not grow claws and teeth in a psychological sense, so is it difficult for them against the background of those who have them? Higher forces probably want competition among people, and people themselves call the presence of competition the engine of progress, which is why the human body produces endorphins if someone defeats someone or someone over something, like someone defeated someone or something, internal opiates are immediately developed, for example, you went through an interview for a job you really wanted, or you won a fight with someone, or you discovered some kind of scientific formula – and you just «Fly» after this, but not go, this happens in animals, for example measures, after a fight for the territory, the higher forces award the winner with a portion of the internal hormones of pleasure, how does the trainer treat his pet with delicious food, do the higher forces show us the path and the correctness of action with endorphins? How to restore psychological imbalance caused by insult without breaking the law? Anyone can become the director of their internal high-plant? Someone else’s inconvenient behavior is called syndromes and diagnoses for someone else – if someone began to actively try to attract attention, then they immediately call it Munchausen’s syndrome or there are no syndromes, and they were invented to «break off» those who wants to intentionally or inadvertently «take someone’s bread», depriving him of his work by his behavior? Not litigation and a trial between someone, but a struggle of ambition? I heard on the bus how two women spoke among themselves, one told the other that her daughter had a bad husband, that he only drinks whiskey, even when there is no money for whiskey, he doesn’t drink cheap alcohol, he borrowed money from people for expensive alcohol, to which she answered that it’s infantile that it was necessary to marry her daughter to a military man, since there is psychological testing when hiring, and civilians with a majority of mental defects, supposedly the state takes the best to their service – is it true or is it about a variety of personalities, one of oryh suitable for a single case, for each other? The one who hit you is not cool, he just has not «broken off» in his life yet – some do not understand their weakness, and some do not understand their strength? Those who have no obsession with anything or at least a passion for something are worried about something: take an example from scientists, are they obsessed with science, and are they not interested in the rest? Express dissatisfaction in a civilized way? Angry but not sinning? How to get a diverse life experience, you need to meddle in all places and situations, even in those in which everything is alien to you?

Angry, do not sin: let the sun not set in your anger.

(Eph. 4:26)

Affirmative sentence: if you are ambitious, you don’t have to commit a crime against the background of any super-valuable idea, at all times super-valuable ideas are different: write books, for example, about your thoughts related to your life experience of your time, pass on information about how to solve problems to others, so that others do not spend time searching for this information – this will satisfy your ambition and will serve the good of civilization and progress, because people will have more time to devote to their work, and the work will be better, as a person will t be in the comfort zone, which will bring the fastest progress. Everyone is fenced off from unnecessary information that forms an overly emotional and impressionable personality, but what to do when such a personality is already formed? Some «tear» the «roof» from some situations, others do not, it all depends on how you perceive something – astronauts feel comfortable in space, although for many, what they do is unattainable from the point of view psychological capabilities?

«I know what a human heart is, it always beats faster in honor of the winner,» – Professor Ramonte (Rolf Hope), TV series «Octopus» (La piovra, Italy, 1984—2001, directors Damiano Damiani, Florestano Vancini, Luigi Parelli, Giacomo Battiato).

In Russian, there is the word «zapadlo» – this is a synonym for the word «problem» or a synonym for the word «disgust» in the normative vocabulary: some computer programs, when you do not pay money for them, make «zapadlo» – a problem in the form of limiting the possibilities of working with them and pop-ups with an offer to register and pay.

It seems that classical psychology is becoming bolder and even beginning to give such advice that earlier could be attributed to unspoken (to those that only parents could give in the kitchen) or anti-pedagogical – I mean such advice as not to restrain one’s emotions who has them.

You watch the news from some places, in this news they say that someone killed someone with an ax in the apartment, that someone killed someone from the city administration and shot himself or the client was offended by the remark of the administrator in the cafe about the ban on smoking in the hall, left and returned with a weapon from which he killed the administrator – the question is, why? He could give him problems by simple complaints, for example, to the sanitary-hygienic service, pointing out the shortcomings associated with non-compliance with sanitary-hygienic standards, and next time he could amuse the «burrows» by allowing him to smoke, since the complaint could lead to inconvenient checks (even if there were no violations), as well as the possible material costs of the cafe owner. What to do to those who at the forensic psychiatric examination have been called a person with an unstable psyche and impaired pride? 100% of those who resort to physical influence on the offender, either from an incomplete, or from a rich, or from the so-called dysfunctional family, but they all have one thing in common – they do not know how to take revenge on the offender under the law and thereby preserve their mental equilibrium? It doesn’t matter if you were spoiled if you grew up in an incomplete family, your grandparents or other relatives or didn’t indulge, there may be one conclusion: you probably don’t have any information on how to react in case of emergency, and therefore you may not be the so-called social competence? Is law revenge (writing a statement or complaint) the best psychiatric session without negative consequences for your future? Those who are from an incomplete family or, as they say, from a dysfunctional family, must be at least at the same level with those from a complete and so-called decent family in order to compete with them, but sometimes it turns out the other way around? Each social group has its own threshold of tolerance, for example, the scandalous neighbors will endure for a long time the workers who live with them in the same staircase, and not for long any leaders? Not all girls and guys need only money – is this again a specific social group?


In almost any public catering institution, there are a lot of violations in each area, both in the sanitary sector and in the legal one, this is like a person – not everyone complies with the law and generally accepted norms of behavior, moreover – the situation could not even reach the point of writing of any complaints, the one who was banned from smoking could verbally warn the cafe administrator in an inquiry form that he would write a complaint, asking in response to the smoking ban, whether everything is normal with observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, whether fire safety rules and so on. Here, the cafe administrator would have already started to think differently in the «they choose the lesser of two evils» mode, the visitor could influence, in scientific terms, the neurochemical processes in the brain of the person making a remark, but he chose to shoot him and went to jail for a long time. There are laws and legal ways to defend their interests, but not everyone knows how to use it, act as if they do not exist, and it is impossible to do otherwise. And most importantly: some say that they applied for help to law enforcement agencies, but no one helped them. This happens, and this is due to the fact that there is no evidence base, which is especially difficult to collect in such a crime as fraud. Therefore, in addition to the statement, it is necessary, if possible, to bring proof of someone’s guilt so that the word does not turn out against the word, this means the word of the person who made the statement, against the word of the one on which it is written, and he, naturally, if not a fool, he will deny everything. Evidence can be: audio recording, video recording, witnesses, etc. Lent money to someone, he doesn’t give it back, ask him when he will give it back, and make an audio recording of what he will answer if he answers what he wants to give, but not yet maybe then there will be no fraud composition, you can even not make an audio recording.

All of the above happened due to the lack of information on how to react correctly in a given situation, due to the fact that none of the family members or anyone else taught the shooter how to, without breaking the law, restore the psychological imbalance caused by hurt pride – the question is, where are the coaches who conduct trainings on this topic, where are the psychologists who teach this?

And there are a lot of such cases in the media: killed a neighbor during a quarrel or a pensioner set fire to the city administration building, and there are situations when what is called «splashing out» of internal aggression on oneself – suicide after not finding a common language with someone.

Nobody thinks that it is possible to write a complaint, or does not understand how painful it can be for the same official, if we are talking about problems that have arisen in relations with public servants (the main thing that will be written in it), which can be deprived of a bonus, work or even sent to prison if he violated the law by his actions or inaction. Sample words of the correspondent Paul Dick (Aleksey Petrenko) from the movie «TASS is authorized to declare» (USSR, 1984, director Vladimir Fokin): «… the one who is doused with shit is to blame, and then let him launder himself…».

Some of those who tried to solve problems by the so-called civicized way, through a written complaint against someone who occupies any position, argues as follows: he wrote, but he worked and works, but he works works, and his career growth can stop, and he will sit in his post until retirement, something like a well-known saying will happen – an eternal lieutenant, so that, as they say, we dig deeper in our reasoning.

We can say that what then are the psychological interests of civil servants, because they get hurt after writing a complaint by a citizen about his actions or inaction – this is the cost of production for a civil servant, and he must eliminate the shortcomings, as well, as a rule, civil servants go through a psychological testing for aptitude, that is, a civil servant a priori should be a person with what are called strong nerves, that is, he came home from work and forgot about everything – not a stuck person.

The core on which the unspoken psychology is based is education, as in classical psychology, although some of those who got acquainted with this material said that the main thing in this material is to give «change» – as in a physical fight, only in psychological I mean, without going beyond the legal framework, to respond to the verbal «slap in the face» with the verbal «slap in the face», within the legal framework or in other legal ways, if someone did not answer the offender in a way that does not go beyond the law (he left the battlefield), then he, average person but sometimes a neurasthenic, his self-esteem has already decreased, and, accordingly, for the one who insulted, it has increased (this is an example of when one enjoys in a way that is considered inadequate, i.e., pleasure is obtained from behavior that is considered inadequate – in this case insults).

The second option is how to «give back», without responding to the verbal «slap in the face» with the verbal «slap in the face» – the person was insulted, calling him insulting, with a word and he must legally explain that the one who insulted is himself what he called the other, for example, they insulted someone, he gathered evidence that he was insulted, filed an application with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they gave the offender a fine and explained in such a way that he was not special and no better and no worse than those around him, that he, as they say, the same member of society, like everyone else, and no more and no less, with the same pr Avami and, most importantly, responsibilities, because if everyone has only rights, then the development of civilization will stop and even go backward, and almost all people are already spoiled by civilization.

«… when the intellectuals fight, the secret police get stronger …”, – quote from one of the heroes of the film «Major Whirlwind», director Evgeny Tashkov, USSR, 1967. How correctly this phrase was understood, but it probably means what they call scamming.

Some at their work sell for money their «swallowing» foreign aggression against themselves? On October 12, 2018, the Psychology 21 TV channel, at about 6 p.m., according to the program for this day, immediately after the end of the 9th series of the film «At the Origins» showed a screensaver with an aphorism: «The one who wins the war will never stop fighting», i.e., he enters into a rage. Further, in a several-minute insert, the psychologist advises the following: aggression needs to respond to aggression, supposedly not an aggression response to aggression, «swallowing» of someone else’s aggression, subsequently leads to the formation of the psychology of the loser. In this case, aggression is understood, for example, vulgar behavior, expressed in the demonstration of disrespect for the interlocutor in keeping his hands in his pocket, etc. Question: how, without breaking the law, no one speaks with aggression to aggression? By the way, in the 9th episode of the film «At the Origins» psychologist Charles Cake gave an interview and talked about his book «The End of Materialism». As far as we know, this book criticizes the theory that everything came simply from something and it is not clear for what. One can only add, or rather, another theory that the meaning in life is not in a particular, but in a deep, general understanding, some do not see because we are in the likeness of a computer game, where we are controlled with the help of pleasant and unpleasant sensations, but in private, as already mentioned, everyone has their own meaning of life – someone in inventing computer programs, someone in need of attention to it by all or people of a certain gender?

Any irritation, and rage, and anger, and screaming, and slander

with all malice may they be removed from you.

(Eph. 4:31)

Will be deleted, but how?

«To suffer without meanness is not possible», – the words, attributed to Tiutchev FI

«You will never go all the way to the end if you stop to throw a stone at every yapping» dog, «the words attributed to Winston Churchill are again cognitive dissonance, and again only those who are predisposed to this must answer, and if you answer everyone, you will not complete your mission in full or in full?

Affirmative sentence: people are spoiled by civilization, and therefore, in order to stay in it, they are forced to sacrifice something unambiguously, for example, to restrain what is called the animal principle, this is a need for pleasure from what is called emotional behavior (aggression and sexual attraction), people are also forced to restrain themselves from taking drugs that give pleasure (alcohol, drugs): everyone understands that people who are drunk from alcohol and drugs are the end of civilization, in the end even that t razrueniyu civilization – alcohol and drugs – poyavolis thanks to progress.

Some governments compete with each other, in their country they disseminate information that contributes to the creation of civilization and stability, in countries with which they compete for power, they disseminate information that contributes to the inhibition of civilization? The governments of some countries are sensitive to the fact that people watch and hear (this will be discussed below), protect them from harmful, in their opinion, information, in this case related to the suffering of other people, as a result, many who experience, what is called suffering, believes that his pain is unique, not knowing that there are people who are in a more difficult situation? Again, the governments of some states (as well as the parents of some children), being interested in the maximum life expectancy of citizens, urge them to be careful, but caution may be unnecessary, which leads to what is called phobias and neurasthenia? Is a psychiatrist the one who needs to delete unnecessary information and insert new information? Can restraining emotions, including sexual ones, lead to behavior considered inadequate? Some governments protect against information related to what is called pornography so that those who can watch and read it do not become those who think only about sex, as this, in one of many other options, could lead to the collapse of civilization, after all, some will not be able to build it in full, since their thoughts will be occupied by others? Some who have looked at what is called pornography may have a misconception about gender relations, some think why it’s not so easy to get into a sexual relationship in life, as shown in explicit films, many don’t know that this is because high sexual temperament, shown in materials called pornographic, is achieved through the adoption of porn stars inside sexual pathogens – drugs that increase sexual desire? What to do for those who have undergone sexual propaganda, who have not been able to isolate from this, and what to do for those who have a physiologically high sexual temperament according to gender or for other reasons (it is generally accepted that men have a sexual desire higher than women), how do they feel in a comfort zone in order to work qualitatively for the good of the state and civilization? Is the reason that some married men after 30 years old called alcoholism because girls are not so fond of speaking in simple terms, and this is the main reason for what is called a midlife crisis? Some, in relation to whom there was no what is called quality education, are forced to educate themselves in order to live a quality life, while those who, so to speak, have been raised qualitatively, comfortably earn money and do other actions they need? Values are changing adaptively: the situation is changing – are values changing? The condition when you are making trouble for everyone is called «compensation», which supposedly humiliated such people in childhood, but there is another «compensation», not only from children’s, but from adulthood – for example, when one uncle or aunt writes on their own offenders secret and overt statements and complaints? Psychologists are looking for some workarounds to achieve psychological comfort, but the path to psychological comfort has long been known – act as the soul lies and find out how to come to what the soul wants? You don’t have to think of anything how to «give back» to the offender without violating the law, does this indicate the line of behavior of the characters of various feature films? Some people from single-parent families or from those families that are called dysfunctional do not know how to avenge the law, and therefore they end up in jail? To avenge the law by writing a statement to the offender, is this a psychiatric rehabilitation session? With the right line of behavior and in the presence of the necessary information, the body will develop those chemicals that it produces after the pill, which is prescribed by a psychiatrist? Whoever watched the Soviet film «Prisoner of If Castle» by Alexander Dumas «The Count of Monte Cristo» remembers that Fernant didn’t kill anyone, didn’t go to the psychiatrist for help when Edmond Dantes, and not he, became the woman’s beloved man named Mercedes, and the psychiatrist did not prescribe any psychotropic drugs to restore mental balance, he «cured» himself by writing a denunciation to Dantes and removing him from his living space by sending him to prison: life is a struggle, and you can fight, but only by the law? To remain in the zone of mental comfort and psychological stability, some need to violate what someone has come up with and called moral laws? Elements of the psyche inherent in animals (fear, aggression) are absent or present, but to a small extent among those who are called scientists, which is why they became scientists, since nothing distracts them from this? There are worse denunciations of a bullet (words of intelligence chief Johann Staube (Leonid Bronevoy) from the film «End of Operation Resident» (1986, USSR)) – Larie Phillips and Emil Matasarenu (bank robbers), as well as the like because of their absence the necessary information did a great nonsense by picking up a weapon? The main thing with your actions is not to make yourself worse than it is at the moment by answering the offender in an illegal way? It is true that it is useful to society – does each depend on each other? If emotions are something higher than you and it’s difficult for you to control them, then you need to show them without breaking the law? With a person’s psyche, everything will be fine only when he gives «bruises» to his offenders in the psychological and legal sense, such is the human nature of some people, and when you go against nature, at least psychological discomfort is born, but at the maximum mental illness? Is the guilt of an aggressive information environment and the aggressive behavior of anyone? «Peace atom» and «Non-aggression pact» or something else in relations with each other? Is checking the lifestyle of the person with whom you connect the minutes, hours, days, months of your life the main thing? See who you contact – when you get in touch with someone, you need to predict the consequences, based on the person with whom you are in contact, will there be consequences in any case? One was said this way: «From his youth he was preparing for the army.» Not only can another person bring up a person, but he himself? The average person is not stable, he changes not only over the years of his life, as Felix Dzerzhinsky noted, but can change every day and hour – today he loves you, hates you tomorrow, and he also wears and changes «masks» involuntarily, and therefore Do you need to calculate each of your actions related to communicating with someone? Get ready for the fact that you will change every year, month, day and hour – is this called a «life experience»? Do priorities change with age? A person is changing, quarreling, or just breaking up with someone called a friend – is this normal, has he changed (or are you), has your relationship resource just worked out? Parents should remain in the «game» – do not let bring up a child on the street, do you bring him up? Do not scold the child strongly, do not synchronize his age with his age, because he is younger than you, remember how you were at his age? As some say, an astronaut is three personalities: before flight, during flight and after flight? Non-autonomy in life (lack of psychological independence from other people) can be dangerous in some cases? What did Darwin’s brother want to say with his «Eugenics» – many write only to satisfy their ego with at least something, having shown themselves, or does everyone have a rational kernel? You can become infected with love for the struggle, and this will affect your several generations, since you will not have time to earn the right amount of money for your family? Is strength of mind when there is no cognitive dissonance between the considered animal component (for example, fear) of a person and the considered human component of a person (for example, prudence)? Somewhere those who are called minorities won – is there a fierce competition for lifestyle and for any behavior, including sexual? Who sets the standards, and someone is really abnormal or just trying to impress someone that he is an abnormal psychological warfare everywhere, even in everyday life? The main thing is not to do everything from the molehills – as they say, without panic? John Hobs claimed that everyone is against everyone, but everyone is not only fighting, but also in partnership?


Nature is bloodied teeth and claws.

Words attributed to Charles Darwin.

The words attributed to Tsialkovsky, which he said, referring to why other sentient beings do not visit us: «We will not go to visit poisonous snakes, wolves and gorillas.»

They dismissed and immediately forgot about the place from which they were dismissed – the position of the security officer of the security forces (accordingly, the position of the person before being hired, who passed psychological testing for the presence or absence of excessive emotionality).

There is a work whose creation was commissioned by several researchers of the phenomenon of persecution – this is the book «Psychology of persecution» (Akademik Press Publishing House), which seems to have been attended by 23 researchers, including Dr. Christina Kinvin, Doris Hall. It reveals the reasons for the persecution of someone by someone, psychological portraits of the persecutors, etc. The book states that the persecution may be based on parting with a loved one, beloved, loss of work, etc. Ex-husbands can be targeted, wives, bosses. The initiators of the persecution, i.e., the subjects of the persecution, can be people suffering from schizophrenia, narcissism, alcoholics, drug addicts. The goals of the persecution can be different – for example, if the object is a former boss, then the goal, as a rule, is to do everything so that he loses his social status, that is, so that he is no longer the boss. The methods of persecution are phone calls, etc. It is not known whether the book «Psychology of Persecution» indicates what those who are persecuted, that is, objects of persecution (former chiefs of persecutors, etc.), are they are with mental health, because the bosses are those who have a need to humiliate people? We can conclude that those who are being persecuted «run into» the same people as themselves – with the need to humiliate? If everything is summarized, is it not all simple – what is called persecution comes from what is called envy and anger: does a person just want to «spoil» someone whom he considers an offender? What is criminal prosecution, why does it exist? According to history, do some rulers pursue their rivals?

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