Натали: искусство жить

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Шрифт:Меньше АаБольше Аа


Всего лишь год назад Натали была уверенна в том, что больше никогда не полюбит. И тогда в её жизни появился Аднан… Год ещё не завершился, и, похоже, она готова влюбиться снова… Читатель, не спеши считать её легкомысленной. Она так долго ждала чуда! Теперь она узнала, что это чудо называется Амир.

[15.10.201* 19:03:16] Amir: Hiiiiii

[15.10.201* 19:04:21] Natalie: I cańt type, it doesńt work!

Amir: what is not working?

Natalie: sorry, it doesńt work

Amir: what???

Natalie: oh, I just thought I cańt send my messages!

Amir: i am receiving msgs from you

Natalie: yes, now I see. Where have you been?

Amir: was with friends, just went and i came online

Natalie: well, where are you friends now?

Amir: at their places i think

Natalie: what have you been doing with your friends today?

Amir: today i watched a movie, we had lunch at PIZZA HUT

Natalie: which movie?


Natalie: what kind of movie do you like?

Amir: mostly romantic and action so it was action movie

Natalie: I also like romantic and mystic if it is not so horrible

Amir: hmmmm well most mystery movies are horror

Natalie: not at all… but if there is something scaring I just close my eyes and ears for a while :)

Amir: hahahahahahaha so cuteeeeee… wait… so now we have to discuss something very important, remember? also give me your cell number

Natalie: ah, thanks! I have forgotten. It’s a bit unpleasant! I want to ask you to keep yourselves and to try being more like a friend. I have to be honest. Adnan is not past for me. He also wants to see me, the only BIG problem I am not a Muslim. So dońt be in hurry, I am in difficult situation now. Dońt make it even more difficult for you and for me

Amir: well, i can wait, i don’t have any problem with your religion

Natalie: yes, wait, it’s better, we have to come to some point with Adnan. And I dońt want to keep you just for «any case». I really like you, but I know him for nine months now… so it is not my fault he became important for me but we are always in troubles and I dońt like it

Amir: so finalize and i will take care of you more than him because maybe he is playing game with you and i am very serious about you

Natalie: no, he is not playing, but he is such a man… not easy for me and not easy for himself… but he is very interesting as a person, as a character, really. If even I will stop my relations with him as it was before, I dońt like to stop it completely, I like to save the connection if possible; well, it is enough, it is all I wanted to say

Amir: ok no problem. So how’s your day?

Natalie: fine! I was too long with Nelly in hospital today

Amir: i am impressed that you are doing noble things in your life

Natalie: we all have to be old, I just remember about that and I like to help old ppl if I can

Amir: great

Natalie: then after dinner I walked, was in cafe too, I like one place here in the center, I was there before once. Köln is really very beautiful and I feel like I have been living here for ages!

Amir: that’s nice, soon so i hope i will see it with you;)

Natalie: then I have spoken today with my friend from Kiev

Amir: that’s cool, you talked about what?

Natalie: she is an old friend, from my youth; we worked together on film studio, so we have what to talk about! she is film director and has the problem – cańt have children… it is a big drama for a woman!

Amir: is she married? does she have any physical problem?

Natalie: yes, she has a husband, he is musician… yes, she has some problem with her health

Amir: what kind of problem?

Natalie: why? I am not a doctor! I dońt know and never asked. I only know she still wants to have a baby, but cańt

Amir: well, one of my friends is a doctor so maybe i could help her, that’s why i was asking

Natalie: no, she lives in the Ukraine; she also has many doctors around! :) thanks!

Amir: hmmmm ok MAY GOD blesses her with a baby, i can only pray for her

Natalie: pray for me too;) :)

Amir: it’s great to find old fellows, well i want to make baby with you so let’s try hahahahahahaha;)

Natalie: again! I told you dońt be in hurry! you even have never seen me and I also have never seen you. So how I can say if I want to have YOUR baby?! I am serious!

Amir: well, i am waiting for your decision as you ask me to come i will be with you and we can know each other, we have seen each other couple of times and trying to know each other; other side you told me that you like me as a human so it means i am not a bad human in your eyes

Natalie: well, it is not enough to be close… if we meet then we will see

Amir: yes, so what you say about meeting? when can i come?

Natalie: Amir! I told you already! in January! if you are able of course

Amir: ok, good let me apply for leaves… i wana see you, start video call

[15.10.201* 20:10:01] *** Call to Amir, duration 00:19. ***

Amir: i love your eyes

Natalie: thanks…

Amir: ok, if i arrange a resident visa for you, will you come to DUBAI? we will stay together and life is amazing here, everything is available, luxury

Natalie: I dońt need luxury… I just need good relations. All is possible but you again run too fast!

Amir: i didn’t say anything, i am just asking, think about it and decide. Simple.

Natalie: but how about religion? dońt you mind I am Christian and will stay Christian?

Amir: i don’t mind it, i respect all religions

Natalie: are you a Muslim? well, I want my baby to be baptized, how about it?

Amir: i didn’t understand

Natalie: I want him to be a Christian… at least be baptized as a Christian when it will be born and then when he is in age he can choose religion himself

Amir: no objection at all because whatever he is, he will be or she will be our baby

Natalie: well, look I will save these words! dońt change them afterwards! :)

Amir: i will not, i promise you

Natalie: I even have a name for him… it may be strange for you… I will explain later, if we meet

Amir: well i am arranging a visa for you so you will be here in one month, it’s amazing place, great entertainment, tourist place, a lot of things to watch and enjoy, we will decide if we can be a good couple… simply i need your passport scanned copy and i will start process and if there will be any other docs needed i will ask you to send me so when you can send me your passport scanned copy?

Natalie: you are too fast, Amir!… well, i will ask Mary to help me because at home I have this possibility and here I have nothing, but she is very kind to me so I will ask and then tell you. Where I have to send it? on which email?

Amir: a***@*** ok just send me and you will be here in one month with me and that will be the happiest day of my life, we will decide if it’s possible i will marry you after deciding our future… just give me 30 minutes, i will be back and will talk to you in details

Natalie: dońt be in hurry too much! it will be difficult for you if it doesn’t happen. So be careful!

Amir: well i don’t have any problem honey; it’s totally possible for me

Natalie: you dońt understand… we dońt know the future: what is possible and what is not. Just dońt dream a lot. I told you I dońt want you to suffer afterwards

Amir: ok just send me passport, let me see, i will start process and wait for me

Natalie: :)

Amir: thanks love

Он вернулся немного позже, чем обещал, и они опять проговорили весь вечер до тех пор, пока обоим пора было спать.



Странным образом, перебравшись в Кёльн, Натали почувствовала себя помолодевшей и исполненной сил. Она снова полюбила долгие пешие прогулки…

Нередко целью прогулок выбирался великолепный Домский собор. Когда она вошла туда впервые, то ощутила себя не очень уютно: после небольших душевных православных храмов, Кёльнский собор подавлял своим величием, надмирностью. В нём почти осязаемо ощущалась вечность, – огромная, холодная и равнодушная к человеку. Но позже, когда Натали поближе познакомилась с собором, и его размеры уже не подавляли её, она полюбила приходить сюда молиться, выбирала понравившийся уголок, ставила свечи, садилась и смотрела, как они светятся и сгорают. В эти мгновенья на душу опускался покой, ей становилось хорошо, она чувствовала себя под защитой.

Интересно, что собор этот был особенным образом связан с Рождеством: в нём покоились мощи трёх волхвов, ходивших, по преданию, на поклонение младенцу Иисусу и поднёсших Ему дары: золото, ладан и смирну.

Ещё ей нравилось гулять вокруг озера, располагавшегося на расстоянии двух трамвайных остановок от дома, откуда открывался великолепный вид на телебашню. Она любила приезжать или приходить сюда во второй половине дня покормить уток и других птиц, которые водились здесь в огромном количестве, пошелесеть осенними листьями, послушать музыку тишины, вдыхая запах осени, полюбоваться её красками.



Её вечера теперь почти безраздельно принадлежали Амиру. Она ожидала его появления в скайпе, как обычно влюблённые ждут свидания. С ним, видимо, происходило то же самое. Он приходил регулярно, каждый день и оставался с ней надолго, на два-три часа, так что они успевали переговорить обо всём на свете.

Незаметно для себя самой, Натали привязывалась к своему новому другу всё больше и больше, так что уже и не мыслила своей жизни без этих долгих задушевных бесед.

[16.10.201* 13:13:45] Amir: Hi Love how are you?


[16.10.201* 13:14:23] Natalie: fine, thank you! and you?

Amir: i m fine thanks missing you a lot… i got your message at facebook

Natalie: well, I also miss you today :) so add him

Amir: :) yes i will my princess, first show me your pretty face

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:16. ***

Amir: i love you Natalie

*** Call ended ***

Amir: comeon don’t close, please give me 5 minutes to see you, darling, just 5 minutes please

Natalie: when you have you microphone we can speak with open cam as I do with my son

Amir: i know but now please, i am missing you

Natalie: now I cańt just sit and wait while you are looking at me

Amir: and i have good news for you

Natalie: tell me

Amir: just 5 minutes, i need to see your face

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:37. ***

Amir: ok listen

*** Call ended ***

Amir: love i didn’t receive your passport

Natalie: yes, you didńt. I have just spoken with Mary in general; I will send you in two-three days… wait… and my passport is valid only till April next year, it can be a problem

Amir: it will not, we will have some solution, still there are some months in it

Natalie: what was the good news?

Amir: the good news is: in 20 days you will be emailed your visa and you will be with me since the day i will apply for it so just pack your bags and be ready

Natalie: Amir, NO!!! I told you I came here for 3 months, the ppl are very kind to me, how can I act with them in this way? it is not good

Amir: so? you mean to say after 3 months?

Natalie: so we can meet only after Christmas

Amir: honey this VISA will already expire if you don’t enter in DUBAI in 2 months so it means i have to delay this process, may be in November i will start… ok as you say but not late than Christmas

Natalie: ok but will you come here? Íd like us to see each other first

Amir: honey i can come but it will take time, i need to apply for visa, i will get visa then i will apply for leaves so it will be Christmas already

Natalie: ok, well, we will decide so. I will speak with Mary again. Because just some days ago I told her Íd like to stay here till April

Amir: ok just discuss because i want to meet you

Natalie: we will :) are you at work now? I dońt like you to be with me while you have to work

Amir: honey it’s break so i am free

Natalie: ok, but then you have to take some meal :)

Amir: i already did, had a burger from HARDEEZ and now i am here with my princess… i love you Natalie, you are my life

Natalie: my husband used to tell me the same… YOU ARE MY LIFE :) well, I like it, but dońt be in hurry plz

Amir: i am not in a hurry, but i can’t sleep all night because i am just thinking about you

Natalie: I cańt take you seriously before I really see you… cańt take too seriously your love as well now

Amir: well i am mad about you and i want to meet you too so that’s why i was asking for your passport but now have to wait till November so delay is from your side, i want to meet you right now

Natalie: I told you it is too fast for me… I just was in relations with other person… let me come out of it first

Amir: ok take your time, i can wait for you

Natalie: and then it will be really difficult for you to wait if you dońt keep yourselves and dońt try to control your feelings

Amir: ok i am controlling, i am waiting… you are looking very beautiful today, can i see you again???

Natalie: Amir, you know I dońt like you to give too much attention to my look. I not always look well and then what? you wońt love me?

Amir: well i just admire you that you always look pretty but today it’s extra ordinary and my love is forever for you, nothing can reduce it, i wana see you… honey please

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:48. ***

Amir: i love you so i will add your son today

*** Call ended ***

Amir: love your eyes

Natalie: my sońs eyes also not bad! :)

Amir: hahahahahahaha i know, he is a handsome boy

Natalie: I saw your photos today. You are mostly too serious!

Amir: yea, i am not photogenic but i am jolly in regular life and romantic;)

Natalie: you look well for me and remind me my sisteŕs husband by your face

Amir: oh GOD really? so is it good or bad?

Natalie: yes, really, you can check yourself, I have his photo in my profile, but may be you cańt notice the similarity as I do

Amir: right

Natalie: not bad of course, he is a very good man and they live together for long and have 3 children and love each other

Amir: i will love you too and will live with you always… forever

Natalie: we will see. It is all from God, not from ppl. As a rule men love me very much, but I never was with someone for long

Amir: so i will prove it wrong now

Natalie: try! :)

Amir: ok sure, honey listen i have to go now, what time you will stay here? on skype?

Natalie: I will go to Nelly now and in evening in church, so I will at home only late in evening, about nine in my time

Amir: ok i will wait for you after reaching home

Natalie: ok, thanks! Bye! good luck!

Amir: i love you a lot take care, see you in evening, good bye

Натали отправилась проведать Нелли. Если она была в хорошем настроении (а наша героиня, если заметили, почти всегда была в хорошем настроении), то прогулка приводила её в ещё лучшее настроение, цвет лица светлел, а на душе пели птицы. Эта осень, конечно, была особенной, осень в Кёльне – одна на всю жизнь…

С Нелли она старалась побыть подольше, просто сидела в кресле, пока Нелли кормили обедом, и они обе спокойно обменивались репликами. Нелли любила расспрашивать Натали о её семье, о родителях, о сыне, Натали, в свою очередь, расспрашивала Нелли о её покойном муже, о том, как и почему они оказались в Германии. Нелли не была особо словоохотливой, но что-то всё-таки рассказывала, и так, за неторопливой беседой, проходило время. Потом Нелли отпускала Натали и ложилась немного отдохнуть, а Натали опять бодро шагала по улицам, шуршала листьями, улыбаясь своим мыслям, в предвкушении нового вечера со своим романтическим принцем…

[16.10.201* 15:53:06] Amir: knock knock

[16.10.201* 15:54:26] Natalie: Amir, I have just come and I am extremely hungry! So I go to the kitchen and will be busy with cooking! So sorry! :)

Amir: what are you cooking?

Natalie: soup

Amir: yummy

Natalie: are hungry too? you had your lunch already and I didn’t! so bye!

Amir: hahahahhahha yes i am hungry

Natalie: noh, sorry! sorry I cańt give it to you, too :)

Amir: Mr. VOVA is very busy, not replying

Natalie: yes, he is not here, I think. Dońt worry. The only thing is important for him – if you are good with me!

Amir: honey i will, we will be great friends for sure;) you are a great mother

Natalie: thanks! but we are more friends than just mother and son… and you dońt expect from him to be too polite with you. He is sixteen now… but he told he would like to speak with you and with me in the same time

Amir: ok as he wants, you both are dear to me

Natalie: thanks… are you still in office?

Amir: yes… i love you Natalie, you are my life;) now show me your beautiful face and then go and have lunch

*** Call to Amir M*, duration 00:16. ***

Amir: okkk no disturbance honey……………………………………….

Amir: soup finished?

Natalie: yes, but I have to make everything in order here now, it wońt take long. When will you go home?

Amir: in 30 minutes

Natalie: then it’s better to speak later, when you are already there

Amir: ok just open cam, let me kiss you and then i will leave for home

Natalie: I knew you would ask this! :))

Amir: hahahaha

*** Call to Amir*, duration 00:26. ***

Amir: i love you baby

Natalie: I want to tell the same, but it will not be true yet… I want to see you first! not in cam, in real… then we will see, baby :))

Amir: ok come here in 20 days… only 20 days!

Его стремительность пугала и нравилась одновременно. Но Натали решила быть осторожной, поэтому, насколько могла, она сдерживала свои чувства и ход развития событий. К тому же, думала она, кто знает: страсть, которая появилась так внезапно, может так же внезапно исчезнуть.

И потом, был ещё Аднан. Легко сказать: «finalize!», а сделать это было очень трудно. Прошёл почти год, как они знали друг друга, и за это время они срослись сердцами, мыслями, телами… И хотя его впереди ожидала женитьба на кузине, которую выбрали родственники, Натали чувствовала, как он страдает.

У неё был Амир, Аднан пока вынужден был переживать свою потерю в одиночестве. Он пытался скрыть от неё свою боль, как прежде пытался скрыть свою любовь, но не мог… Она просачивалась сквозь скупые строки стихов и посланий…



Натали знала о себе много. В молодости ей понадобилась уйма времени, чтобы понять, что она сильно отличается от других людей. Эти другие часто не понимали её, считали странной, а она не всегда понимала их. К примеру, их потребности носить «маски», создавать какой-то иной образ для людей, имея ещё один для своего личного пользования. Непонятно! Натали всегда оставалась самой собой, в любой ситуации, в любой компании – такой же, какой была и наедине с собой и своими мыслями. Быть собой ей очень нравилось. В отличие от большинства людей, наша героиня не стремилась вернуться в какое-то иное время своей жизни, не тосковала по прошлому, не грезила о других столетиях и ни за что не хотела бы поменяться местами с кем-то, проживать чужую жизнь. Быть собой, жить здесь и сейчас, благодарить за каждое мгновенье, таким, пожалуй, было её невысказанное мотто.

И ещё одной непонятной вещью оказалась «виртуальная реальность». Ну, какая же она виртуальная? Самая что ни на есть реальная реальность, такая же, как мир наших чувств, мыслей, эмоций, как наши планы и наши мечты. Да, руками не потрогаешь, не обнимешь, не поцелуешь… Но эти ограничения не следствия «другой» особой реальности, а обусловлены расстоянием, которое разделяет их, друзей или влюблённых, как ни назови. Да, как ни назови, сути это не меняет – как со временем они стали близки с Аднаном, так теперь стремительно и неудержимо сближались с Амиром. Как она для него, так и он для неё становились частью жизни. Самой что ни на есть реальной реальностью.

[16.10.2010 19:40:21] Amir: Hi love i am back

Natalie: very well :)

Amir: i love you!..

Natalie: Amir!… you cańt really love me cause you dońt know me and haveńt seen me yet, so plz stop repeat it all the time

Amir: this is the only reality i know now and i love you a lot, i have seen you and…

Natalie: When will you find your microphone?

Amir: i will go to market tomorrow

Natalie: you’ve told me same before!

Amir: yea i know, i am sorry i was not able to do that

Natalie: what’s the problem?

Amir: honey i am sorry

Natalie: ok

Amir: i love you a lot

Natalie: Amir! what can I tell on this, plz stop! we will see each other first… let’s talk about something else… by the way I am not divorced yet, so have to do that

Amir: so what are you waiting for?

Natalie: I cańt do it while I’m here, only when I am in Estonia… I wanted to do before, but it just wasńt important

Amir: ok, no problem, take your time and divorce your husband… you there?

Natalie: yes, see if my comp switch on I am like always here, but in fact I can do some other matters… just skype shows me online… then I just watch some video or visit some sites while you are keeping silent :)

Amir: because i want to see your beautiful face 24 hours

Natalie: impossible! you have to sleep and do other matters.. so I beg you dońt get crazy really, it is not wise! you have to wait for 2 months

Amir: honey i wana see you so please open your cam

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:55. ***

Amir: you are so lovely

Amir: which song?

Amir: nope

Amir: can you add it to your profile?

*** Call ended ***

Amir: well i love that «Ten black roses», it’s an awesome song

Natalie: all songs of The Rasmus are great… almost, but I like the most… Shot, Host of Love, well about 10… this song I am listening now is not of the Rasmus and lyrics is not really good but when I am in good mood somehow I like the song! I will send it now so check after some min

Amir: ok can you add this video to your profile?


Amir: love

Natalie: well I am trying to find the best video, but cańt, just will send the song, you know it, I am sure, it is rather well known

Amir: ok

Natalie: watch, I’ve sent but I will delete it, I dońt like it in my profile

Amir: honey wait, i will add it on my profile

Natalie: no, it is not good song really! just it makes me feel like a bit crazy

Amir: cam plzzzz

Amir: hellooooooooooo

Amir: cam plzzzz and don’t close it

Amir: please don’t say no

Amir: plzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzz


Natalie: i can’t stay with open cam all the time, it is take power of my laptop, it is not so strong! :

Amir: plzzzz

Amir: plzzzzzzz

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:38. ***

Amir: don’t close

Amir: please please please please

Amir: please

Amir: don’t you like if i see you

Amir: please Natalie

*** Call ended ***

Amir: :( what is VOVA doing? very busy kid

Natalie: what do you want of him now? he spends his time almost like you

Amir: can i tell him that i like his mother and i want to marry you

Natalie: of course! it is your matter what you will tell him, you may try to build some relations with him… he likes music most of all

Amir: hmmmmmmmm i know, i am trying but i don’t know about music that he likes

Natalie: then he likes to meet his friends and spend time with them in the same manner like you – movies, talks… whole night :) you can ask him about music… dońt be afraid, he is very easy to communicate

Amir: well then we will be best friends for sure

Natalie: it’s just he doesńt trust you now as I did in the beginning

Amir: yea, i know, don’t worry, we will have great relations, me and Vova

Natalie: he needs it I think… his grandfather was always with him :) but he needs more I think, especially now, in this age

Amir: ok i am here for him, don’t worry

Natalie: we can speak with him almost about everything, but mańs opinion and mind a bit different and here are things I just cańt tell or cańt help with… so thanks!

Amir: i am here for him love, don’t worry, i will be a good friend as well as a good father

Natalie: but dońt think too much about him, he has own life, own friends and girlfriends :)

Amir: ok, yea i know, i am just thinking about you, only you

Natalie: he is glad I am now not with him. He wants more freedom :) and I also want something… I told you before… I want a baby, because my son soon wońt need me as much as before…

Amir: ok let’s make a baby… after coming close… after knowing each other… after passing time together

Natalie: do you like kids in general?

Amir: yea, kids are like angels

Natalie: he is talking to me now, my son, so wait a bit

Amir: ok

Amir: so tell me what are you talking about?

Natalie: about you too and about other matters, he wants just to speak to me

Amir: ok no problem, take your time, i am waiting for you, just send me message when you will be free

[16.10.201* 20:28:24] Natalie: ok

[16.10.201* 20:32:08] Natalie: it is not so easy to stop him! :) it was the same when I was at home

Amir: what happened?

Natalie: sometimes in evening he wants to speak too much and I want to sleep :)

Amir: hahahahahahha, i love you princess

Natalie: look, he is calling again, sorry

Amir: well he is a kid so just don’t worry

Natalie: well, I am free, he will go out with his friends soon on half a night to run a disco

Amir: waooo cool, DJ, i am impressed

Natalie: yes, he works as DJ for 2 years now on weekends

Amir: great

Amir: i wana see your hands

Natalie: yes, but I dońt like he is not at home at night, however our place is almost safety but I am a mother, so I prefer him to be at home at night… my hands?

Amir: i can understand mother’s feelings… yes, i wana see your hands

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:51. ***

Amir: both hands

Amir: nope

Amir: what happened?

Amir: ok

Amir: yes

*** Call ended ***

Amir: i was thinking about an engagement ring so that’s why i asked you to show me your hands

Natalie: dońt worry about such things now… what if we dońt like each other when we meet? :)

Amir: impossible

Natalie: I have my husband́s ring still and one church ring

Amir: i like you

Natalie: so at first I just wanted it for him, then I didńt take it off because I dońt like meńs attention

Amir: right i understand

Natalie: my wedding ring a bit too big for me, so I have other ring on the same finger, you can perfectly see it on my last photos when I am with the little girl, my God́s daughter

Amir: yea, i saw your photos, lovely

Natalie: I dońt know is it lovely or not I just tell you can see my hands here and rings clearly

Amir: yes, i wana see your height… can you stand up? after opening your cam?

Natalie: yes, I can, but I can tell you I am I m 60 sm and you?

Amir: i can tell you in fts, i am 6'1» (185 sm) … well let me see, open cam and stand up

*** Call to Amir*, duration 00:28. ***

Amir Mehmood: yea ok

*** Call ended ***

Amir: well nice height, i am a bit long as compare to you

Amir: what’s time there love?

Natalie: 20.49… and yours?

Amir: 10:49

Natalie: yes, two hours dif, the same like with Pakistan… do you want to sleep?

Amir: well i can’t sleep. When i close eyes, i see you

Natalie: noh, what the problem! see me in dreams and sleep

Amir: well i think that’s what i call LOVE that your life revolves around one person and it’s you

Natalie: may be… but it is not real yet, cause you dońt know me as a person, you only see my image and it’s too much for you :) i am sorry; I dońt know why it is so, but it is always so whole my life… I have many troubles with men because of it

Amir: yea, you told me baby… so you love kids? and your age is 42… is it ok for you to deliver a baby??

Natalie: noh, yes… then I think sometimes how difficult it would be – no sleep at night and so on :) but still want it :) my sis brought her baby in 40, friends in 42, another one in 45… it is so popular now here to have a baby in such age… but it is not so easy of course

Amir: well i will take care of you in pregnancy, will cook for you

Natalie: ok, thanks, you are again run too fast, come back to reality!

Amir: :(

Natalie: when I was pregnant with my son it was not difficult time for me at all, may be just the first weeks cause I couldńt eat but I looked very well and felt very well

Amir: that’s nice, we will discuss about baby when we meet, i need your passport, again i am telling you

Natalie: what do you want to discuss here?

Amir: nothing because you always ask me to come to reality so nothing to discuss

Natalie: passport – you will have it in some days.

Amir: ok good

Natalie: I think you should go to sleep now, I will watch some video and then also go out

Amir: ok i wana see you first

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:33. ***

Amir: i love you honey, miss you a lot, take care and i will catch you tomorrow

Natalie: ok, good night! hope you will sleep well!

Amir: thank you, good night

Natalie: bye Amir!


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