Solar system / Alternative theories

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The Asteroid belt is the destroyed planet Phaeton, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Perhaps, here the biggest catastrophe in the SS occurred. The planet was shattered into pieces, forming a belt of fragments of various shapes and sizes and a segmented ring of sand and dust. The moon Ceres and several other satellites of non-lunar type remained intact on Phaeton’s orbit. The largest objects of the belt of asteroids are: Vesta, Pallada, Gigeya. Now there is a generally accepted view, that the Asteroid Belt could not have been a destroyed planet. As an argument, a small total mass of fragments is given. However, not all fragments are detected, but, probably, only the largest ones. There is much more of smaller fragments, but they are harder to find and measure. Has anybody taken into account their mass, the mass of the segmented ring as well as the mass of fragments ejected from orbit? Most likely, the mass of this planet was comparable to the mass of Mars. Another argument against the theory of planet destruction is the presence in the Belt of objects, which judging by their properties can not belong to one satellite. There are 2 explanations for this: either the Phaeton has collided with another space body and both have shattered, or this planet, apart from Ceres, had other satellites of a non-planetary type.

Varuna and Haumea are dwarf planets of the Kuiper belt (see Table 5). They have a very elongated ellipsoidal shape and very fast axial rotation – 3-4 hours/day. From this one can make an assumption, that their crust was destroyed, and they are gas planets.

Perhaps, there was also a small planet in the SS – the first from the Sun. This hypothetical planet can be called Lara. She was wife of Mercury in ancient Greek mythology. If this assumption is true, then it was completely destroyed. A belt of fragments and dust can be on the orbit of 30-36 million km. Probably, it is difficult to detect it in such proximity to the star, in its dazzling light.

It is possible to assume, that Earth was on the verge of destruction too. Most likely, it was when the continent Gondwana broke up and Atlantic Ocean was formed. Indians have a legend: once, a fire has erupted from the Earth. Earth stopped, turned over twice, and then began to spin as mad. Apparently, a very rapid rotation in that time saved its solid crust from complete destruction.

All these global catastrophes and destruction can not occur simultaneously. This requires a long period of time; therefore, the SS is very-very old.

4. Appearance of sunspots

There are different hypotheses about the origin of sunspots. Nowadays the most common accepted hypothesis best reflected in the electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia [7]. Here the appearance of sunspots is explained as perturbation of some sections of magnetic field of the Sun.

Here the appearance of the sunspots is explained by falling of different space bodies to the Sun’s surface. From this point of view, the magnetic field perturbation is not a reason for the appearance of sunspots, but on the contrary, is a consequence.

It has long been known, that the meteorites and other celestial bodies often fall on planets and satellites. The Earth and other planets are well protected from such "bombings" by atmosphere, in which the majority of small falling objects burn down. The moons without atmosphere have a lot of impact craters. For example, Mimas, moon of Saturn, is almost completely covered with craters from tiny to the giant ones.

The Sun is not an exception, on the contrary, because of its giant attraction, it is more often exposed to such falls. But unlike the moons, where an every falling forms a crater forever, the fire on the Sun surface deletes all traces of the falls over time. Not all falling objects can form sunspots. Most of them, having a small size or consisting mainly of ice, or loose rocks, burn up before reaching the Sun surface. Only the largest of falling objects leave a temporary spot.

Almost all the features of sunspots can be explained by the fall of the celestial bodies.

1. "They (sunspots) are regions of reduced temperature…" [Wikipedia]

The absence of fire makes these areas relatively less hot, than the rest of the Sun surface. The temperature of falling objects is much below the Sun surface temperature. When approaching the Sun, they are warming up quickly, and their surface begins to burn.

2. "Most solar flares and coronal mass ejections originate in magnetically active regions around visible sunspots groupings."

There is a photo, on which one can see the comet[8] fall on the Sun surface. This is not the only one recorded case of comets falling on the Sun surface. Powerful bright flash in the shape of torch appears before the comet fall on the Sun surface. This photo confirms, that the emergence of torch prior to the appearance of spots and the fall of the space bodies are interrelated phenomena.

3. "Observations using the Zeeman effect show that prototypical sunspots come in pairs with opposite magnetic polarity. Sunspots usually appear in groups."

Single spots can be explained by falling celestial bodies, consisting mainly of solid rocks, which are not destroyed under the action of gravity. On the contrary, it is possible to explain the groups of spots by the destructive action of gravity.

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