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Lola Love Beauty*licious

By Lisa Clark

Lots of love and lipgloss smooches to:

As always, the sweet-as-sugar Anthony, my leading man and lifetime boy crush–I heart you.

Izzy–for teaching me all I know ‘bout plucking eyebrows, applying lipgloss and how to work a room–high five!

The very gorgeous, epitome of all things Beauty*licious, Miss Sally Jones, the King of Swanksville, Stephen Baily and the Queen of fabulousness, Sarah Chevverchops-thanks for making my world substantially pinker just by being in it.

Vicky, Adam, Martin and Nats-I know none of you even drink, but if you were to, you’d be really, really good at it!

The mucho talented, too-cool-for-school Laura and Jon Heidi Seeker for making my world so damn pretty.

The Rains family–that includes you, Miss Chloe Rodgers–thank you for being the best second family a girl could ask for!

And to all the feisty, fun, fearless and fabulous pink ladies who bought the first book and who visit the website,–you rock n’ rule!



Masterclass #1 Love yourself up

Masterclass #2 Your Body rocks!

Masterclass #3 Eat yourself Gorgeous

Masterclass #4 Darn, you’re Pretty


About the Publisher


So, you want to be Beauty*licious?

Then stop dissin’ your body and show yourself some love! Okay, so you may not be a cardboard cut-out of magazine perfection, but hold up, why would you want to be? You’re totally YOU-nique and a chubby tummy or skinny legs are no reason not to fall head over glitter-pink flip-flops in love with yourself. In fact, it’s the absolute reason why you should! So whether you’re petite or curvy, tall or small, redhead or blonde, it’s time to celebrate what makes you stand out from the crowd and create your own kick-ass beauty blueprint – ’coz girl, you’re Beauty*licious!

The Beauty*licious Manifesto

Big hips, lumpy knees, pouty-lips–look, will someone please explain this whole ‘beauty’ thing to me? Actually, never mind–I have my own manifesto.

The Beauty*licious manifesto.

Beauty*licious is a Think Pink attitude, a fail-safe way to guarantee you feel feisty, fun, fearless and fabulous–even when your chin is threatening a major breakout. Working your Beauty*licious ’tude is all about how you express yourself–your looks, your confidence, your image, your personality–so to work it, as in like, really work it, you’re going to need to:

  Love yourself up–get to like the person you see in the mirror–because body-bashing is just not cool.

  Make ‘I’m Beauty*licious’ your new feel-good mantra–to be repeated at least five times a day because you can never get enough sweet self-talk!

  Become a Beautista–know how to work and emphasise your best features for mucho bravado boosting!

  Don’t conform–play with your appearance and have fun with your look–clash electric blue eyeliner with Brighton Rock pink painted toe-nails–colour yourself pretty!

  Celebrate your own unique, natural beauty–because when you’re happy being who you are, you will look your absolute most Beauty*licious. Fact.

  Be feisty, fun, fearless and fabulous! Natch.

So banish all unpretty thoughts right now–that means absolutely no more comparisons to the just-stepped-out-of-a-salon, tall blonde girl from the cool clique, OK? Put on your pink-tinted shades and enrol at the Think Pink Academy of all things Beauty*licious!

Unlike school, we’ve got classes that you will love to attend–in everything from eyebrow plucking to loving the skin you’re in. You’ll have access to the Pink Ladies hints and tips and, most importantly, you will find everything you need to help you love, emphasise and have fun with the qualities that make you sparkle and shine like the star-girl you really are!

So indulge yourself chica, because no girl is too-cool-for-beauty school!

Your Beauty*licious Starter Kit

 Pink vanity case

 Pink shades




 Water bottle

Chica, between toi et moi, this ain’t no ordinary beauty school. Nope, it’s a rainbow-hued celebration of girl-fabulousness!

To maximise your Beauty*licious experience, the Pink Ladies and I have created what is quite possibly the most dee-licious starter kit in a ‘so then, yet suddenly so very now’ candy-coloured vanity case. It’s crammed full with everything you will need in the wondrous world of Beauty*liciousness–don’t say we don’t spoil you!

Pink shades–how can you be Beauty*licious if you don’t Think Pink? Pink Shades are most definitely a Beauty*licious Girl’s most coveted accessory.

Cute compact, pink, natch.–not only a cute accessory, but also an important tool in the self-lovin’ department.

Lip gloss–if nothing else, a slick of lip gloss will ensure you look like butter wouldn’t melt in your pout.

Water bottle–Water is a Beauty*licious Girl’s secret weapon. It flushes out the icky toxins in your body, helps your tummy to work more effectively and hydrates your skin helping to combat bad skin and spots–yay!

Beauty*licious Girl Soundtrack–feel-good tracks that will make you sing-out-loud…


 Belle and Sebastian–Dress Up in You

 Green Day–She’s a Rebel


 Beverly Knight–Gold

 Ashlee Simpson–I am Me

 Shampoo–Don’t Call Me Babe

 Cyndi Lauper–True Colours

 Destiny’s Child–Bootylicious

Masterclass #1 Love yourself up

How Beauty*licious are you?

Are you a Beauty*licious babe or in need of some serious beautification?

In school photos, are you…

a. Always at the front.

b. Hiding behind the super-tall girl in your class.

If someone pays you a compliment, do you…

a. Accept it with a smile.

b. Feel uncomfortable, blush and change the subject.

It’s prom time and your favourite song is playing, are you…

a. First on the dance floor.

b. Shuffling in the corner.

You’re checking out your reflection in the mirror, do you…

a. Smile and blow yourself a kiss.

b. Cringe at what you see.

You’re going out with your friends and can’t find the t-shirt you’re looking for, do you…

a. Cut and customise an old one so it’s exactly what we want.

b. Ring up and say you can’t make it.

Mostly a’s

Sweet thing, you’ve got it going on!

You know you rock and you’re not afraid to show it. In party snaps, you’ll be in every picture and you sunny attitude will be sure to rub off on those around you. You know life is too short to worry about whether or not you bum looks big–so instead of wasting your time fretting, you shake it on the dance floor!

Mostly b’s

You need a boost of Beauty*licious self-lovin’! Comparing yourself to others or worrying about people judging you will hold you back. Your real friends don’t care what size is on the label of your jeans, so stop hiding. Get out there and have fun. A girl having a good time is so much more attractive than a pouty-model face any day.

Diggin’ on You

When I check my reflection, I dig what I see.

That’s because I’m Beauty*licious, baby!

Having a Beauty*licious ’tude doesn’t mean I’m a mucho vain-girl, it just means that I’m through with hating my thighs and dissin’ my chubby tummy. Instead, I love myself up–just the way I am!


If you’re the put-down Polly and say things like ‘I’m so fat/ugly/skinny’ or ‘I hate the way I look’, it’s not your body that’s the issue, it’s your ’tude.

We spend so much time trashing our bad-body-bits that we forget to love up our assets and, quite frankly chica, that’s just wrong, wrong, wrong.

Negative self-talk–whether it’s shout-out-loud or in your head–is toxic, so if you intend to become Beauty*licious anytime soon, dissin’ yourself just isn’t an option. You’re a work in progress, you’re still growing and changing, so why waste time bad-mouthin’ your bod, when diggin’ on you is so much more do-able?

What I dig most about myself is:

  My sugar-pink tresses that make me look like a rock girl in a too-cool guitar group.

  I adore my big, baby-doll eyes that would steal the screen in every scene if I were a movie starlet and how great my nails look with day-glo pink varnish on them!

  And I love how I laugh out loud, because laughing is very pretty y’know.

Your turn!

What do you dig most about yourself?

Beauty*licious Booster

If bad body talk has become a habit, break it right now with what I like to call a Beauty*licious Booster–catchy, eh?

Whenever you think something negative, like, ‘I’m fat’ or ‘I’m ugly’ stop the trash-talk in its tracks by saying something positive right back ‘atcha self! With practise, your body bashin’ self-critic will have to admit defeat and your self-esteem will positively sky rocket with the sweet talk, leaving you feeling allsorts of fabulous about how you look and feel.

Here’s some of my favourite Beauty*licious Boosters…

“…My eyes are sparkly-gorgeous when I smile…”

“…My hair looks great today…”

“…I really know how to work a pink fishnet tights and legwarmer ensemble…”

What are your Beauty*licious Boosters going to be?

Can you feel the force?

For a whole lot of time I couldn’t understand why my hair didn’t come with a permanent wind-machine that made it look all swish-like and delicious. Thoughts of being a blonde-haired beauty with a buff bod used to run through my head like back-to-back episodes of The OC, and I became obsess-o-girl about getting an ab-tastic stomach and having glossy-blonde hair like the girl in my maths class. The trouble was, I just wasn’t made that way. So when I realised it was never gonna happen, I got glum.

It was official: I had felt the force.

Y’see, the buff blonde look that I was aspiring to, sure-as-stars wasn’t my idea of beauty. It had been cleverly created by media types who have images they want us all to aspire to on constant replay–and I fell for it. Grrr.

Our bodies are going through all kinds of crazy changes like we’ve got zilcho control over and when we feel unsure about ourselves, it really can feel that life would be infinitely more sparkly-gorgeous if we could just fit into those skinny-fit jeans, right?

When we feel low or insecure it’s super-easy to let media, peer and family pressure decide how we feel about ourselves. The thing is, when your idea of beauty is being shaped by others, it can sometimes make you feel like you’re on a constant quest to become perfect-o-girl. This is pretty sucky because ideas aren’t real, what with them just being ideas, and all.

But what is most definitely real, is you, so ditch the pressure to conform right now and make beauty your idea!

Snap happy

When you have a Beauty*licious ’tude you can erase other people’s yawnsville ideas of beauty and perfection and replace them with your own–I know, fabulous isn’t it? Think nose-twitching Samantha in the film Bewitched, except you, L’il Miss soon-to-be Beauty*licious, are capable of banishing negativity at the snap of a candy-pink, manicured finger. Who knew, huh?

This is how…

1 Stand in front of a mirror with your eyes closed and think of a compliment that someone has paid you or a situation where you have felt totally gorge-girl and confident–maybe a party where everyone told you how fabulouso you were looking or a teacher telling you that you’ve got an A* for a piece of work you worked really hard at. Think about it in lots of detail, what did they actually say? How did it make you feel?

2 Really think about that compliment, visualise it, make it as bright and colourful in your mind as you possibly can. Things that I think of when I’m snappin’ happy are: The Pink Ladies and I watching Audrey Hepburn films back to back…Angel and I shopping for shoes…the lady who told me I looked great in my pink legwarmers and glitter pumps combo at the bus stop…having my art-girl photos displayed in a real-life proper gallery…

3 When you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, open your eyes and check out your reflection in the mirror, love yourself up sweet thing!

4 Now you’re feeling all sparkly-gorgeous about yourself, snap your fingers. The finger snap action becomes an instant feel-good switch to your brain, so whenever you need a sprinkle of feel-fab glitter, just snap your fingers to activate your very own Beauty*licious confidence boost!

Bust the Myth

Shhh, you want to know a secret?

NO ONE really looks like they do in professional pics. Not even supermodels. (Cue excessive whooping and a collective sigh of relief from Pink Ladies everywhere!)

When the original mucho-gorgeous supermodel Cindy Crawford was asked how she handled the body-envy she inspired in other girls, she was brutally honest:


It takes a whole lot of lighting, make-up, pinning, posing and airbrushing to make model-types look picture perfect. So instead of bustin’ your butt trying to achieve a totally unachievable body that even a supermodel won’t lay claim to, take a lesson in loving yourself up. You ARE Beauty*licious–cuddly tums, curvy thighs, bony bums included–yep, you’d better believe it!

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