Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year

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Chapter Five

Madeline encountered her husband as she went downstairs just after noon the following day. She had been hoping to escape to the park, where, if he’d received her letter, she hoped Hal would come to meet her. Her heart raced with fear for she saw her husband’s icy eyes and knew he would question her about her intentions.

‘You know that the Marquis of Rochdale is dining with us this evening, Madeline. You should wear the green gown I had made for you in Paris—and do not wear a fichu in the neck. Instead, wear your diamonds.’

‘I do not like that gown, it is too low and reveals too much. It makes me look like a whore,’ Madeline said, her cheeks flushed. Did he intend to humiliate her? ‘The marquis...he is not what you think him, Lethbridge. He may think...he may believe I wear the gown for his benefit.’

‘That is exactly what I wish him to believe,’ Lethbridge said. ‘If he wants to touch or kiss you, you should allow it. I want something from him and if he wants you, then he may have you. You have given me nothing and I may as well get some benefit from all you have cost me.’

Madeline stared at him in horror, her worst fears confirmed. ‘Am I to understand that you would condone...a liaison between us?’

‘Why not?’ her husband sneered, his thick lips curving unpleasantly. ‘You are of no use to me. I might as well lie with a block of wood. Rochdale has something I desire more than I ever desired you, madam. If he will take you in exchange, then good luck to him.’

‘How dare you suggest such a thing to me?’ Madeline cried in utter disgust. ‘You have gone too far, Lethbridge. I shall not do what you ask and I shall leave you. By insulting me so you set me free of any debt of honour I felt towards you. Our marriage is at an end. I no longer owe you any duty.’

‘Damn you,’ he muttered and moved towards her. One hand grabbed her wrist and she saw that he was considering whether to strike her. ‘No, I shall not punish you yet. I would not have you ill before he takes what he wants. But after he has done with you, I shall teach you to obey me. You will not defy me again, madam.’

‘No, I shall not allow it. No matter what you threaten. I shall run away—’

‘Then I’ll lock you in your room until he arrives.’ Lethbridge grabbed her by the hand and started to drag her with him, out into the hall and up the stairs.

Madeline struggled against him, crying out as his fingers dug into her soft skin, but although the servants saw her struggling none attempted to help her. They dared not. He would have them thrashed and they would be dismissed without a reference, cast out without hope of finding another employer. It was useless to ask for help and she did not, though she fought him all the way, but to no avail. He was much too strong for her. She was thrust into her bedchamber, her husband standing in the doorway, glaring at her.

‘Make yourself ready to receive the marquis this evening,’ Lethbridge growled before the door closed. ‘Please him or I shall beat you until you weep for mercy—and I’ll ruin your father.’

‘You may do what you wish to me,’ Madeline said defiantly. ‘I shall run away as soon as I can and you may do your worst.’

‘If you think to run to your lover, think again,’ Lethbridge muttered. ‘I know who he is and I shall kill him.’

‘I have no lover.’

‘I saw you with him in the gardens at Miss Hasting’s wedding—and you’ve been seen with him in the park and other places. Do not try to deny it, madam. I had not decided what to do to him, but it would be better to have him dead. Then you will not have foolish ideas of escaping me by running to Ravenscar.’

Madeline gasped, feeling the colour drain from her face. He knew of Hal! His words were not merely bluff or vain threats this time—she’d been seen in the park with Hal.

‘Yes, I see your guilt and by it you seal his fate,’ Lethbridge said. ‘Tonight you will play the whore for my guest. If you do not, you know what will happen.’

Hearing the door slam and the key turn, Madeline sagged with despair. Hal was in danger. It hardly mattered what her husband did to her now for if Hal were lost to her for ever she did not care if she died.

Sinking down on the edge of the bed, she bent her head and wept. She should have gone with Hal when she had the chance.

Lethbridge would give her to the marquis in return for something he craved. Clearly, he no longer valued her and, perhaps, wished to be rid of her. Was he planning to bring his bastard here—and his mistress? Or did he simply wish to be free of a wife whom he thought of as useless? If she were forced to lie with the marquis, her husband could claim that she had betrayed her vows and divorce her. She would be utterly ruined and ostracised from society.

It was a fiendishly clever plan for he gained something he craved and rid himself of an unwanted wife in one swoop.

‘My lady, you must come now,’ Sally’s voice called to her. Madeline looked towards the dressing-room door and saw her maid beckoning to her. ‘Your husband has gone out and we have a carriage waiting for you—but you must come quickly before he returns.’

‘Sally, you know what he would do to you if he catches us?’

‘I would give my life for you,’ Sally said and smiled bravely. ‘I have packed a bag for you, my lady. Come quickly, I beg you.’

‘But how have you done this? My husband has the keys.’

‘There are other keys,’ Sally replied. ‘I overheard what he was planning to do to you—and Thomas was willing to risk everything for you, as I am.’

‘But where can I go? My father would send me back to my husband.’

‘Not if he knew the truth,’ Sally said. ‘Thomas knows of a place that you can hide, my lady. It will be safe for a few days, but then you must decide where you will go next.’

‘I must send word to Major Ravenscar. My husband means to kill him.’

‘Thomas will take your letter later, but first we must go, before anyone realises what we mean to do.’

‘Yes.’ Madeline stood up. She caught up her cloak, which was lying on a chair where she’d abandoned it earlier, then went to her dressing chest and took out a small box containing the jewels she wore every day. Lethbridge kept the valuable things in his strongbox and gave her what he wished her to wear when he dictated, but she would take the jewels that she had brought with her to the marriage and the few gold coins she had in her reticule. She looked about her chamber, praying that she need never see it again. ‘Let us go now, before my husband returns.’

* * *

‘Where is she?’ Lethbridge thundered at the luckless servant that brought him the news. Arriving home late in the afternoon, he’d gone to his room to change for the evening and then sent a servant to tell Madeline to make ready. ‘By God, if you’ve allowed her to leave, I’ll have you beaten to an inch of your life!’

‘I don’t know where she is,’ the servant said, cringing as his master struck him a blow on the shoulder with his ivory cane. ‘Sally and Thomas must have spirited her away by the back stairs for no one has seen them for hours either.’

‘Damnation!’ Lethbridge glared at him, a vein bulging in his neck. ‘If I discover any of you turned a blind eye, I’ll make you sorr—’ He broke off as the door to the salon opened and his butler announced the arrival of the Marquis of Rochdale. ‘Get out, dog,’ he hissed at the servant, then turned and smiled at his guest, as the footman shot from the room like a scared rabbit. ‘Ah, Rochdale, my dear fellow. I am glad you could come this evening. I’m sorry to have to tell you that Lady Lethbridge is indisposed. I fear she will not be joining us this evening.’

‘Indeed? How very disappointing,’ the marquis said and his lips curled in a sneer. ‘Since the lady is ill I shall not waste your time or mine. I shall be plain with you—unless you give me what you promised, I shall call in my notes. You know what I want, Lethbridge. You implied it would be mine this evening. If you renege on your bargain, I shall ruin you for good in society.’

‘No, no, you shall have her another time,’ Lethbridge said. ‘You know how much I want what you have.’

‘You have three days to bring her to heel,’ the marquis said. ‘I shall not stay. Perhaps another time?’

Lethbridge cursed as the marquis walked out, leaving him staring after him. Damn the woman! He would make her father pay. That would bring her to her senses. He strode up the stairs and into his bedchamber, pulling out the drawer where her father’s notes were kept. Taking out the leather folder, he stared to see it empty and then, realising what must have happened, swore furiously.

She had stolen them! Madeline had outwitted him by taking the notes and then running off with her lover. He had not thought she had the courage to do it or he would have stored them more securely. His own carelessness was to blame, but he did not consider that—only her perfidy in taking them behind his back.

If he could not find her and get her back, he was ruined.

Fury whipped through him. He would find her and kill them both—but before she died, she should suffer agony. His plans for the evening were in ruins and the chance to recoup his notes was lost to him, for if the marquis knew she’d gone to a lover he would waste no more time in claiming his dues. Slamming out of his room, he went down the stairs and out of the house. He must find entertainment elsewhere that night. He would go to his club and see if he could find a plump pigeon to fleece.


Madeline would not be allowed to escape him. She had few jewels and little money for he kept her on a tight string. She could not go far. He would find her—and when he did, he would give her to Rochdale to do with as he pleased, if he would still take her. The man was depraved, far worse than Lethbridge knew how to be—but if he humbled the proud beauty it would serve her right, and he would recover his losses at the card table.

He must find his wife, he would find her! He would fetch her back—and this time she would do what she was told.

* * *

Hallam was seated with a party of gentlemen when Lethbridge walked into the card room at Lord Sawford’s London house. He had been finding it hard to keep his mind on his cards for most of the evening, because all he could think of was Madeline. She’d sent him such a strange note, begging him to meet her in the park. He’d gone to their meeting place and waited, but she had not come. Why had she not kept the appointment she’d made? Ought he to have gone to her house and asked for her? Yet she had begged him not to do so and he’d feared she might suffer if he had.

Seeing the count entering the room, Hallam was instantly alerted. Something was wrong.

Why was Lethbridge here when he was supposed to be dining with the Marquis of Rochdale that night? Frowning, he watched as Lethbridge wove his way through the room, stopping to talk to various gentlemen before arriving at Hallam’s table.

‘Thought you were entertaining at home this evening?’ one of the gentlemen seated at Hallam’s table offered.

‘My guest had another appointment he was forced to keep,’ Lethbridge said, but the look in his eyes was furious, as if he could barely keep his anger inside. ‘May I join you, gentlemen?’

Hallam glanced at Mainwaring. He sat up, suddenly all attention as there was a polite murmur of acceptance and Lethbridge drew out a chair and sat down. He would have preferred to leave the table and take his place behind the count so that he might see what was going on while his friend played, but Lethbridge’s request left him no choice but to play on.

He actually had winning cards that hand and took the pot of five hundred guineas. Since he’d won it was his turn to deal, which he did with a new pack. It was brought to the table and broken open by the waiter, as was the custom when a new game began.

Hallam realised that he must be alert at all times. The cards were clean now but, if Lethbridge played as usual, by the third hand after he joined the table they would be marked.

Lethbridge ordered a bottle of wine and glasses were filled, but Hallam noticed that the count merely sipped his. He did the same, watching as the first hand played out. Mainwaring won easily, and another gentleman won the second, but Lethbridge took the third and the fourth.

‘What do you say to raising the stakes?’ he asked pleasantly.

Hallam hesitated. He would not normally play so deep, but he had won a large pot and could afford to lose a hand or two even at the higher stake of fifty guineas a hand—and it was the best way to discover what Lethbridge was doing.

He went down heavily the next two games and then, having discovered which cards were marked, watched Lethbridge’s hand reach beneath the table. When the count began to deal again, he stood up.

‘I do not play with cheats,’ he said. His announcement sent shockwaves through the company and all eyes turned on him. ‘I am speaking of Lethbridge. I know that you have marked the cards, sir.’

‘How dare you!’ Lethbridge was on his feet, a vein bulging at his temple. ‘You will answer to me for that.’

‘Here is your answer, sir.’ Hallam handed three of his cards to the other gentlemen to examine. ‘The ace is pricked twice, the king once and the queen three times.’

‘And why have you decided that I am the culprit?’ Lethbridge demanded, glaring across the table at him. ‘It might as well have been you, sir.’

‘This is not the first time I’ve watched you cheat,’ Hallam said. ‘Mainwaring—would you mind looking at the edge of his coat cuff, just below the brocade? I believe you will discover that there is a pin stuck into the material.’

‘Certainly,’ Jack Mainwaring agreed and reached for Lethbridge’s arm. His hand was struck away angrily, but the movement caused a card to fall from beneath his ruffle. One of the other gentlemen reached over to pick up the jack of clubs, which, his fingers soon told him, was still unmarked. ‘I think that proves your guilt, Lethbridge. For myself I have lost to you too often of late to doubt Ravenscar’s word. I had wondered why you won so consistently.’

‘Nonsense. I lost heavily to Rochdale the other night—anyone will tell you so. Anyone could have marked those cards. Why should it be me?’

‘Why did you have the jack hidden in your cuff?’

‘Damn you and him!’ Lethbridge said, his neck and face brick red. He’d been exposed as a cheat in public and knew that his days of winning large pots at the tables of his society friends was over, because the news would spread like wildfire, but was determined to bluster it out. ‘I know not where that card came from. It was probably planted on me—’

‘For shame, sir,’ came a new voice. ‘I wondered why you were so damned lucky at the tables and now I know.’ Lord Sawston stood up. ‘I, too, refuse to play with a cheat.’ The other gentlemen followed his suit, saying that they would never play with Lethbridge again.

‘You will meet me for this, Ravenscar!’ the count cried. ‘Name your weapon, sir.’

‘I choose pistols,’ Hallam said. ‘Mainwaring, Sawston—you will stand up with me?’

‘Aye, I will,’ Lord Sawston said. ‘Though the fellow is finished and does not deserve that you should honour him in duel.’

‘Name your seconds, sir,’ Hallam said. ‘Perhaps they would wait on me at my lodgings later.’ He looked at the gathering, a faint smile on his lips. ‘Will you bear me company, Jack? I think I shall go down to supper. And then perhaps we might make up another table?’ He nodded to the gentlemen with whom he’d been playing earlier.

‘You’d best go home and get some sleep,’ one of the gentlemen advised.

‘You think so?’ Hallam said and sent a deliberate and insulting look at the count. ‘I hardly think I need bother. I believe I shall make a night of it and go to the meeting place from here. You may inform your seconds they will find me at the tables rather than my lodgings, sir.’

Lethbridge cursed and turned on his heel, walking from the rooms. Men who had hailed him when he entered turned their backs on him. Their message could not be clearer. Hallam was believed for the thought that Lethbridge might have cheated had crossed a few minds before that night, though none had been sure enough to accuse him.

‘He’s a damned good shot,’ Sawston said when he accompanied Hallam and Jack down to the supper room. ‘Are you certain you wish to continue playing cards? He’s killed his man before now.’

‘So have I on the field of battle,’ Hallam said. ‘We didn’t get much rest then and if he is a good shot I’m better. Never missed my man in battle.’

‘I can vouch for that,’ Jack Mainwaring said and laughed, clearly delighted with the night’s outcome. ‘Well, he’s ruined now, Hal—it’s what I hoped for. And if you kill him, I’ll bear witness that he called you out.’

‘We all will,’ Lord Sawston said. ‘Lord, I’m hungry. I hope they have a decent supper tonight.’

Hallam laughed. He could hardly believe that Lethbridge had been so easily brought to a duel. If Hal’s aim were true, Maddie would soon be free of her cruel husband.

* * *

‘Did you take the letter?’ Madeline asked, as the footman Thomas entered the small private parlour of the riverside inn to which he had taken them. The inn belonged to his brother and he had assured her that she would be safe there until she decided where to go next. ‘Was he there?’

‘No, my lady. His landlady said that he was out, but promised to give the letter to him as soon as he returned.’

‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘I think I shall go up to my room now, for I am very tired. Sally, you may stay and talk to Thomas if you wish. I can manage my gown if I try.’

‘I shall come and assist you as always, my lady,’ Sally said. ‘Thomas has things to do and I shall sleep with you on a truckle bed, for there is but the one room.’

‘Very well.’ Madeline left the parlour and walked swiftly past the taproom, from which came the sound of hearty laughter. It was a busy inn and not truly a good place to hide, for she was almost certain to be seen before many days had passed. However, she was grateful to be away from her husband’s house and the hateful attentions of the marquis.

‘It is not fitting for you, my lady,’ Sally said, glancing around the bedchamber they had been given. It was furnished with the essentials, but not pretty or comfortable enough for a lady of quality. ‘We did not have much time to plan, but we must find somewhere more suitable as soon as we can.’

‘I do not object to the room for it is clean and adequate,’ Madeline replied with a little smile. ‘If the bed is comfortable, I shall sleep well enough. Yet I fear that I shall be seen sooner or later and my husband will discover where I am. I must find somewhere else to stay—somewhere quiet where I can remain hidden.’

‘You will not return to your father’s house?’

‘I shall send word that I have left my husband,’ Madeline said.

She would tell her father that his notes were burned and that he was free of the debts that had shamed him, but he was in general an honourable man and she feared that he might feel it his duty to tell Lethbridge where she was staying. She might be forced to return to him under the law. She was, after all, still his wife and some might say as much his property as his horse or dog—and therefore in his gift if he chose. It was barbaric that a woman should be obedient to a husband who treated her ill, but the law was too often on his side. Madeline could not prove that he had been planning to sell her to another man. Society would be shocked if they believed her, but he would deny it and the scandal would be unbearable either way. No, she must simply hide until she could find somewhere she might live in safety—perhaps abroad?

‘I have a little jewellery. Perhaps Thomas could sell some of it for me? It might pay our way until I can find work of some kind.’

‘You cannot work, my lady. Who would employ you?’ Sally frowned. ‘We must take a rented cottage somewhere and Thomas and I will work to keep us all.’

‘I could not ask so much of you,’ Madeline said. ‘If Major Ravenscar gets my message, it may not be necessary. He promised to help me if I left my husband.’

‘Then I am sure he will come as soon as he has your letter,’ Sally said. ‘Now let me unlace you, my lady, for I think you must be tired. You will not mind my sleeping in your room? I do not snore—at least, I do not think so...’

‘Of course I do not mind,’ Madeline said and laughed softly. ‘I am no longer a grand lady, Sally. I must learn to live by my own means somehow.’

She stood patiently while Sally helped her to disrobe and put on the nightgown her thoughtful maid had packed for her. Sally had smuggled her things downstairs to Thomas, who had carried them away from the house, to the carriage, which had brought them to his brother’s inn. Madeline had observed that the young footman was devoted to her maid and knew that she was his reason for risking so much for her sake. He’d given up a good position and would not find it easy to find another in society without a reference, but Sally had asked and he’d agreed because he loved her.

‘You know that I will give you a reference, Thomas, but my word will not carry against that of my husband.’ Madeline had told him when he helped her from the carriage on their arrival at the inn. ‘I can never tell you how grateful I am.’

‘It’s time I stood on my own feet, milady,’ the young footman said and grinned. ‘I’ve been saving my money and I’ll be buying an inn myself soon enough. The truth is, I should have left your husband’s employ long ago if Sally would’ve come with me—but she refuses to leave you.’

‘She is very loyal, but I would not wish to stand in the way of her happiness if she loves you, Thomas.’

‘She’ll come round when she sees you happily settled, milady. And I can wait.’

Madeline had thanked them both again. Now, as she lay in the bed, which had proved both clean and comfortable, she allowed herself a few tears. Everything had happened so swiftly and she hardly knew where she was or what to do. If Hal came for her she would go with him, but they would need to go abroad for, if they remained in England, she feared that her husband would find a way of disposing of her lover and killing her.


She wished with all her heart that she’d run away with Hallam when he’d asked years ago, but of course she had married to save her father from ruin. At least she had freed her father from his debt. She could no longer feel remorse in having stolen the notes after the way her husband had behaved.

At last she settled and drifted into a gentle sleep, a little smile on her lips because her dream was sweeter than of late.

* * *

Hallam buttoned up his coat against the cold night air. Dawn was just breaking and the scene in the park was bleak, just a small group of men waiting for the arrival of Lethbridge and his seconds. As the church clock struck the hour, three men came walking towards them. Hallam had begun to think the count would not show, but now he was here and he must keep his nerve. If Madeline was to be set free, Lethbridge could not be allowed to leave here alive. Yet Hallam must hold his fire until the other man shot, because otherwise it would be murder.

The count’s seconds had brought pistols with them, which Lord Sawston insisted on examining. He suspected foul play, but declared the pistols beautifully balanced, though, as Lethbridge had used them before they gave him the advantage.

‘You could insist on using the pistols I provided,’ he suggested, but Hallam shook his head.

‘One pistol is as good as another to me. Let it take place immediately.’

Hallam glanced at the doctor, who had been summoned to attend whichever man was shot. He had an unpleasant feeling in the pit of his stomach: it was one thing to kill the enemy in battle, another to kill an English gentleman in cold blood. However, it must be done for Madeline’s sake.

‘Does either of you wish to withdraw?’ Lord Sawston asked.

‘No,’ Lethbridge growled. ‘He insulted me—I want satisfaction.’

‘I have no intention of withdrawing,’ Hallam said.

‘Then take your places. I shall count to fifteen and you will take one pace on each count. On the count of fifteen, you will turn and fire.’

Hallam nodded and stood back to back with Lethbridge. He took a step forwards on each count, but on the count of fourteen something alerted him and he half-turned as Lethbridge fired. Because he turned the ball struck him in his left arm rather than his back. He recoiled, steadied himself and then took aim, but he could not quite bring himself to press the trigger and before he could fire, a shot came from out of the trees at Lethbridge’s back. It struck him in the centre and his body jerked. He looked stunned as he sank to his knees, blood trickling from the side of his mouth. His mouth opened as if he wished to speak, but only a gurgle issued from his lips before he fell forwards flat on his face.

‘Good grief, that’s murder!’ Sawston cried. ‘Did anyone see who fired the shot?’

‘I was watching Ravenscar. He did not fire,’ Sir Andrew Meechin said. He had accompanied Lethbridge as his second. ‘The shot came from behind us and I saw nothing of the rogue—did you?’

‘I was also watching Ravenscar. I believe he meant to fire in the air,’ Lord Sawston replied. He walked towards Hallam, who was clutching at his arm, swaying a little as the blood oozed through his fingers. The doctor was already with him, binding a tourniquet below the wound to stop the bleeding.

‘I’ll do,’ Hallam said through gritted teeth. ‘Take a look at Lethbridge if you will, sir.’

‘He’s dead,’ Mr Phillips, the second of Lethbridge’s friends, confirmed. ‘It was a foul shot and I caught sight of the rogue in the shadows as he fled—looked like a hired assassin to me, dressed in dark clothes and masked, hat low over his brow.’

‘Are you saying one of us arranged this?’ Jack Mainwaring demanded.

‘No, not at all, but someone did,’ Meechin said. ‘Let us not forget that there were others the count cheated at the tables. Last night he was exposed for the rogue he was. The man had enemies and someone saw an opportunity to kill him while we were all looking the other way.’

‘We must report this to the magistrates,’ Lord Sawston said. ‘You did not fire, Ravenscar. You are in the clear—but murder was done here this night. Lethbridge is no great loss to the world, but the law must be enforced. Whoever did this thing must be brought to justice.’

‘I very much fear I may be—’ Hallam got no further as he fainted into Jack’s arms.

‘We must get him to his lodgings,’ Jack said. ‘He doesn’t need to spend the day kicking his heels in prison in this condition. We can all swear to his innocence.’

‘I’ll speak to the magistrate and sort this mess out,’ Lord Sawston said. ‘You may accompany me, Meechin. Jack, you and Phillips should help Hal into a carriage and see him home.’

‘It would be better if you brought him to my house,’ Dr Phelps said. ‘I shall tend him more easily in my surgery. That ball needs to come out and he is going to feel a little the worse for weather for a while. I shall care for him until he feels able to return home. My wife is an excellent nurse and I believe he lives alone.’

It was agreed that this was the best strategy since one could not expect his landlady to nurse him. Grooms were called to assist Hallam into a carriage and others to help transport the lifeless body of Count Lethbridge to his home.

Hallam came round a little in the carriage, but was given a drink of brandy by his friends and soon fell into a swoon again.

‘Damn it, I hope his wound isn’t fatal,’ Jack said. ‘He fought the French and came through it—and that devil shot on the count of fourteen. If he were still alive, I would see him hang.’

‘It is as well justice was served then,’ Meechin remarked. ‘I had no wish to act for the fellow in the first place and if I’d known what he meant to do I should have refused. He’s a damned scoundrel—or was.’

‘Someone had to do it,’ Jack said. ‘Waste no tears on Lethbridge, sir. He was a cheat, a liar and a murderer and I for one believe that he got what he deserved. I just hope that Hal does not pay too harsh a price.’

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